Fort Wayne's BRAVE Alliance
BRAVE Alliance
The Allen County Drug & Alcohol Consortium is the recipient of a Community Catalyst Grant, funding services for LGBTQIA+ community as well as projects to advance the quality of care provided in areas of mental health & health care.
Why is it called the BRAVE Alliance?
Because our goal is to Build Radically Affirming Validating Environments. Alliance because no one can be successful on their own. Through community partnerships, we can further 'LGBTQ+ friendly' environments towards becoming pillars of excellence in LGBTQIA+ medical, mental health, and support services.
Why is the BRAVE Alliance needed in the Fort Wayne Community?
The Human Rights Campaign Equality Index assess municipal protections, services available and leadership equality, and Fort Wayne scored the lowest of cities assessed in Indiana at 40 out of 100 points in the most recent index. We have work to do to fully support all residents of our community. Read the full report here: Fort Wayne | Municipalities - Human Rights Campaign (